COLORADO SPRINGS, Colo., Sept. 04, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) - The Sanborn Map Company Inc. (Sanborn) has advanced its geophysical survey and mapping services by equipping its aircraft fleet with state-of-the-art geophysical survey technology developed and produced by the company. In addition to wingtip pods and a tail “stinger” that houses a sensitive magnetometer, inside the plane are a gamma ray spectrometer and data acquisition system, enabling the capture of detailed subsurface data crucial for mapping geological structures and natural resources.
Sanborn plane outfitted with wingtip extenders and tail “stinger” for high accuracy subsurface magnetic survey and geological mapping.
John Copple, CEO of Sanborn, emphasized the broad utility of the new systems: “Our electromagnetic, magnetic, and radiometric systems are designed to produce precise geophysical maps cost-effectively, serving essential sectors such as mineral exploration, water management, transportation, energy, and construction.”
Copple also emphasized Sanborn Geophysics' unique position in the marketplace. “With our acquisition last January, we have a team with decades of expertise in designing and building the geophysics sensors and systems we use. Through Sanborn Geophysics we offer to our customers both the equipment and the end-to-end services needed for data capture, processing, and analysis.”
Copple further highlighted the advantages of Sanborn’s integrated data approach: “Geophysical data pairs well with our existing imagery, lidar, and multi-spectral data collections. With the addition of our new fixed wing airborne geophysical survey, Sanborn is leading the way in combining subsurface and surface data models to generate new insights for our clients.”
About The Sanborn Map Company Inc. and Sanborn Geophysics ULC
Established in 1866, Sanborn has a storied history of leading high-quality spatial data creation. Today, the company continues to pioneer spatial data collection, geospatial solutions, and GIS technology innovation. Sanborn Geophysics ULC expands Sanborn’s extensive airborne data collection capabilities, which include ortho and oblique imagery, multi-spectral imagery, linear and photon counting lidar, and topo-bathymetric data, gathered from satellite, airborne, mobile, and ground platforms. Sanborn’s comprehensive suite of services encompasses data processing facilities, a fleet of aircraft with dedicated pilots and operators, and sensor technology, meeting the diverse geospatial information needs of clients. The company’s offerings range from digital elevation, terrain, and vegetation models to detailed 2D and 3D models of power plants, powerlines, transportation corridors, floodplains, subsurface structures, groundwater, hydrography, and more. Sanborn’s commitment to delivering complete geospatial data solutions is complemented by strategy, applications, staff augmentation, and GIS-IT consulting services. The company’s dedication to quality is reflected in its ISO 9001:2015 certification. For more information, visit
For Media Inquiries:
Tom Harrington Jr, PhD
Chief Marketing Officer
(617) 413 7057
Photos accompanying this announcement are available at
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