ALHAMBRA, Calif., Sept. 04, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) - The latest Highest Efficiency Gain Chip design addresses critical market demands for higher optical output power and lower electrical power consumption. HieFo's HGC20 C+band Gain Chip sets a new performance benchmark as the fundamental building block for the next generation of Integrated tunable lasers (xITLA).
“The introduction of the HGC20 Gain Chip is an example of the innovation that the optical communications market can expect to see from HieFo in the months and years to come,” said Dr. Genzao Zhang, HieFo Co-founder and CEO. Dr Zhang added that ”HieFo has made significantly enhanced design improvements at the fundamental chip level, which will be the basis for a wide range of InP based chips that will fuel optical interconnects in the next generation of datacenter, telecom and AI connectivity markets.”
The HGC20 is a 1mm cavity length chip mounted on a proprietary sub mount, capable of producing optical outpower approaching 22dBm (drive current dependent). For applications requiring lower overall module power consumption, the high efficiency design of the HGC20 improves wall plug efficiency (WPE) by as much as 40% over commonly available Gain Chips available in the market today.
HieFo's Gain Chip technology has been a fundamental building block of the tunable laser market for more than 15 years. The HGC20 maintains industry leading performance parameters for precise frequency accuracy, narrow line width, and low noise.
The HGC20 is available for customer product evaluation immediately. Please contact HieFo at or visit our website at for more information.
A photo accompanying this announcement is available at
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