Baar, Switzerland, 10 October 2024
Ascom is pleased to announce the expansion of its innovative App “Security Support System”, to nine penal institutions in Canton Zurich. The rollout of the first installation in Winterthur’s prison is scheduled for late 2024 and will continue through 2026 to eight additional correctional facilities in Canton Zurich. The entire project has a total value exceeding 3 million CHF.
Ascom’s Security Support System has been exclusively designed to improve supervision and care in prisons and reintegration institutions to increase the safety and operational efficiency of employees working in prisons. It displays inmate profile for identification and location tracking data, and records further information for optimal care support. Currently, there is no comparable application in the market.
The core of the solution is the Ascom’s Alarm Management System, featuring the Ascom Security Support Software and the Myco 3 and Myco 4 DECT/WiFi devices. Key features are:
- Real-time communication and alarm management: Improving response times for correctional staff and ensuring continuous access to critical information.
- Infrastructure integration: Compatibility and seamless integration with existing facility systems such as telephone, security systems, and mobile devices, allowing smooth deployment without the need for extensive upgrades and ensuring minimal disruption and maximum operational efficiency.
- Enhanced supervision and monitoring capabilities: Ensuring a higher level of safety for both inmates and staff.
In close collaboration with the Department of Justice and Home Affairs of the Canton of Zurich, the Ascom Security Support System has been successfully tested and recently implemented at the Zurich West Prison and will now be extended to nine other prisons.
The project includes the installation of the solution into the facilities' existing infrastructure (Ascom Unite Platform), and a 5-year contract for software maintenance and support services for each location.
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