Ecorobotix ARA
AI-powered precision spraying
PASCO, Wash., Dec. 04, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Ecorobotix, the Swiss agricultural technology leader known for its innovative AI-powered ultra-high-precision sprayer, is accelerating its growth in the U.S. market. With new offices in Washington State, an expanding dealer network, and the addition of talented professionals to its team, Ecorobotix is poised to strengthen precision farming across the country.
The company’s flagship technology, the ARA ultra-high-precision sprayer, combines advanced Plant-by-Plant AI Software with high-definition field imaging to scan, analyze, and treat specific plants in real time—ensuring reduced chemical use, lower farming costs, and providing a lighter environmental impact.
To further its commitment to the U.S. market, Ecorobotix has welcomed new U.S.-based employees, one of which is Chrissy Wozniak, the company’s new U.S. Marketing & Communications Manager. Chrissy brings a wealth of experience in agriculture communications and a deep understanding of the industry’s challenges and opportunities.
Chrissy is equipped with a proven track record in developing innovative marketing strategies and building strong industry relationships, making her uniquely positioned to support Ecorobotix’s ongoing expansion.
“I’m thrilled to join Ecorobotix at such an exciting time,” said Wozniak. “The company’s focus on leveraging advanced technology for modern farming aligns perfectly with my passion for agriculture and my desire to support farmers in achieving greater success.”
Marcus Lung, Ecorobotix’s U.S. Managing Director, expressed his enthusiasm for the company’s growth. “I’m incredibly pleased with the rapid expansion of Ecorobotix in the United States,” said Lung. “Our new offices in Washington State and the growth of our dealer network are exciting milestones for the company. We’re also thrilled to be able to add experienced professionals to our team who are passionate about agriculture, like Chrissy.”
Ecorobotix’s expansion reflects its commitment to fostering advancements in farming practices worldwide. The company’s advanced technologies not only support farmers in producing healthy food but also contribute to preserving soil health and reducing agriculture’s ecological footprint.
About Ecorobotix
Ecorobotix Inc., established in 2023 and based in the United States, brings the cutting-edge agricultural solutions of its Swiss parent company to the American market. Dedicated to revolutionizing farming, Ecorobotix focuses on reducing chemical and energy use while minimizing soil impact. The ARA smart sprayer, featuring the company’s AI Plant-by-Plant™ software, ensures precise crop treatment. This technology decreases inputs, enhances crop yields, and lowers CO2 emissions.
A photo accompanying this announcement is available at
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