TURIN, Italy, Dec. 06, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Technology has assumed an increasingly decisive role in social development and in all areas of human life, from education to work, from the environment to health.
In order to investigate the complex relationship between technology and society and to propose a broad and articulate reflection on the meaning that technology and research have in our time, the Politecnico di Torino has been successfully realizing and promoting since 2019 Biennale Tecnologia, a major event based on a hundred events dedicated precisely to these issues.
Biennale Tecnologia is a wide-ranging festival that offers the public an articulate, inclusive and accessible reflection, starting with the most recent innovations, but also remembering the history of our technological roots, in the hope that the great achievements of the past and present will be an inspiration for the future. The event offers an open opportunity for discussion that focuses on the environmental, ethical, social, economic and geopolitical implications of major technological issues such as artificial intelligence, energy, transportation and telecommunications.
The Biennale Tecnologia’s program includes lectures, debates, workshops and exhibitions with international guests, with a strongly interdisciplinary approach, enriched by the languages of narrative, cinema, theater, and music, without excluding the figurative and performing arts.
Strengthening and expanding this experience, today the University intends to intensify the production of cultural content and strengthen the international dimension of Biennale Tecnologia, launching an expression of interest promoted in Italy and abroad for the selection of guest curatorial projects to be integrated in the next edition 2026.
The expression of interest invites experts (academic and non-academic) working in Italy or abroad to propose - individually or in teams - cultural projects for the next edition of Biennale Tecnologia. Based on the proposals received, some projects will be invited to participate in a second selection phase, from which will emerge the project proposals that will be part of the next edition of Biennale Tecnologia - Tech Cultures. Connoted by a recognizable interpretive line, the identified proposals will have to include the realization, by the Politecnico di Torino, of at least 15 events. The guest curators will work in close collaboration with the Politecnico and in particular with the Biennale governance, composed of Rector Stefano Corgnati, Vice Rector for Society and Community Stefano Sacchi and Curator Guido Saracco.
“With the evolution of Biennale Tecnologia and the international scope we want to give to the event, the momentum of the Politecnico di Torino in becoming a point of reference in the public debate is strengthened, centering one of the objectives of its third mission, which contemplates the involvement and transfer of technology towards society. The festival and the events we will carry out-including in a new format of cultural productions named 'Prometheus' - will continue to stimulate the urgent reflections that are necessary to give concrete answers to the future of society, and it will do so in a choral and continuous way, involving first and foremost our polytechnic community, the citizens and the corporate world. The contribution of guest curators will be essential to broaden the scope of the event and open us further to the international scene,” comments Politecnico di Torino Rector Stefano Corgnati.
For more information:
Press Office LaPresse - ufficio.stampa@lapresse.it
A photo accompanying this announcement is available at https://www.globenewswire.com/NewsRoom/AttachmentNg/ac28276f-7621-4775-b20c-64f3361f92fb
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