TAIPEI, Taiwan, Dec. 09, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Chairman Jonny Kuo of the Taiwan Investor Relations Institute (TIRI) highlighted that 2024 marks TIRI's 6th anniversary and the 3rd annual TIRI Awards. This prestigious recognition honors outstanding companies and IR professionals who serve as exemplary benchmarks in the field. The awards are based on rigorous selection criteria, including corporate governance ratings, turnover rates, and trading volumes, with final winners determined by votes from institutional investors and media representatives. Recipients exemplify exceptional governance, dynamic market activity, and widespread industry recognition.
Chairman Jonny Kuo (center) and Vice Chairman Kevin Wang (third from the right) of the Taiwan Investor Relations Institute (TIRI) pose for a group photo with distinguished guests from the Taiwan Stock Exchange, the Taipei Exchange, and the Securities and Futures Investors Protection Center.
This year's TIRI Awards winners are:
TWSE Mega-Cap Category: TSMC (2330), Best Company and Best IRO (Jeff Su)
TWSE Large-Cap Category: Chenbro (8210), Best Company and Best IRO (Peggy Tsai)
TWSE Mid- & Small-Cap Category: SDI (2351), Best Company and Best IRO (Jeffrey Chen)
TPEx Large-Cap Category: All-Ring Tech (6187), Best Company and Best IRO (Hui-Hsuan Lu)
TPEx Mid- & Small-Cap Category: PILI (8450), Best Company and Best IRO (Chris Huang).
Institutional and international investors have increasingly prioritized corporate governance and ESG performance as critical factors in investment decisions. Corporate governance evaluations and international ESG benchmarks are now key determinants. To align with the Financial Supervisory Commission's transition from corporate governance to ESG evaluations in 2026, TIRI has proactively provided training programs for directors, governance officers, and board performance assessments, enabling companies to enhance ESG disclosures and better engage professional investors.
TIRI actively promotes international collaboration through partnerships with global IR associations and participation in annual events hosted by NIRI (U.S.) and HKIRA (Hong Kong). By incorporating global best practices and showcasing Taiwan's advancements in corporate governance, ESG initiatives, and capital market strengths, TIRI aims to elevate Taiwan's IR standards to align with international benchmarks.
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