- AIV001 is currently in development for evaluation in Superficial and Nodular Superficial Basal Cell Carcinoma (sBCC and nBCC)
COSA MESA, Calif., Dec. 09, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- AiViva Biopharma Inc., a clinical-stage biotechnology company, announced the receipt of FDA clearance for testing AIV001 (axitinib) by intradermal injection with their formulation in facial skin. AIV001 is a pan-tyrosine kinase inhibitor in a proprietary formulation, designed for prolonged drug release. This FDA clearance was supported by AiViva's submission of safety data on non-facial skin tolerability and efficacy, and systemic exposure from 67 subjects treated with AIV001 in BCC and in scar management.
“This agreement allows a clear path forward to develop AIV001 in cosmetically sensitive skin that includes the face, neck, and scalp, and sets it on track to be the first therapeutic developed for facial skin areas having sBCC or nBCC lesions,” said Diane Tang-Liu, PhD, President and CEO of AiViva. “We are excited about the product prospect of AIV001 using a focal delivery method that is supported by our strong intellectual property position,” continued Diane Tang-Liu.
To date, AiViva has completed three clinical studies using intradermal injection of AIV001. Subjects received one to three treatments, three weeks apart. The potency of AIV001 and prolonged drug release in the skin provided clinical and histological clearance of biopsied-confirmed BCC lesions in 26 patients. In addition, a total of 41 subjects were treated in two trials using scar models. Reduced fibrosis formation was observed after a single intradermal injection over the surgical incisional wounds and indicated AIV001's potential use in scar management. “This was an important achievement for the clinical development of AIV001 allowing us to expand our ability to evaluate AIV001's utility in dermatological conditions,” concluded Darlene Deecher, AiViva's Vice President of Clinical Development.
About AiViva Biopharma, Inc.
AiViva is a clinical stage biotech company led by a team of seasoned industry experts with proven track record in drug development and commercialization. AiViva has developed innovative approaches to address high unmet medical needs by transforming treatment paradigms through focal therapies that target diseases of neovascularization, abnormal cell proliferation, and fibrosis. Core competencies include development of novel drugs using proprietary technologies, including JEL®, in specialty therapeutic areas of dermatology, ophthalmology, urology and oncology. AIV001 is an investigational product candidate in clinical development. The efficacy and safety profiles have not been established, and they have not been approved for marketing by the Food and Drug Administration.
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Investors & Media
AiViva Biopharma, Inc
Shane Cerrato
Vice President, Business Development
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