Nanling, a county of Wuhu, is located in the southeast of Anhui Province. In 2014, a collection of Northern Song female music figurines were unearthed here, dating back 900 years ago. The wood figurines are rare and exceedingly precious, holding immense value for the study of Northern Song clothing and music.
This summer, Dr. Cheng Zihui of Anhui Polytechnic University (AHPU) led a team and carried out detailed research on the excavated figurines. By consulting a large amount of literature, referencing the color code of the famous Northern Song painting A Thousand Miles of Rivers and Mountains, and combining the aesthetics of the Northern Song with modern sensibilities, they completed the restoration of 10 sets totaling 53 pieces of clothing for the figurines. The performance "Elegance of the Song Dynasty” showcasing the image of these figurines, made its debut at the graduation show of AHPU and received unanimous acclaim from students and experts, generating a strong interest to the beauty of traditional Chinese clothing.
Next, Dr. Cheng Zihui and her team plan to do an experiential exhibition with these costumes at the Nanling Museum. Meanwhile, through digital restoration techniques, they will help more people understand the fashion beauty of the “Song style”. Dr. Cheng said that she will continue to focus on the topic, conduct more in-depth research and dedicate herself to tell Chinese stories through traditional Chinese attires.
记者:韩万春 李斌 严艺伟
英文翻译:张凤梅 李翔
Reporter: Han Wanchun, Li Bin, Yan Yiwei
Editor: Jiang Fan
English Translation: Zhang Fengmei, Li Xiang
English Dubbing: Zhu Qi
English Proofreading: Tang Xuemei
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